Grassroots overview
Some of the veteran cannabis patients who have received compassionate donations
With the passage of SB-34, the Dennis Peron and Brownie Mary Act, in California in 2019, licensed cannabis operators were provided a means to designate cannabis products for donation to verified medical cannabis patients and be excused certain taxes. The intent of the act was to remove a barrier for legal cannabis operators—who were already facing a substantial state and local tax burden—to donate cannabis to people with doctor’s recommendations or state-issued medical marijuana cards.
In California, as in every adult-use and medical cannabis state, patients and consumers face limited physical access to legal retail, high out-of-pocket costs, and a narrow selection of products. This reality often forces veterans who would otherwise be using cannabis to revert back to their ineffective pharmaceuticals or self-medicating with alcohol or other drugs. For veterans who resume using those substances, there is always a significantly higher risk of suicide and overdose.
Currently, the Veterans Compassion Network has organized a monthly SB-34 compliant donation for registered veterans patients with partner dispensary Kannabis Works of Santa Ana, CA.
Learn more here.